In June 2022, we released a Climate Action Plan (CAP) for Addison County.

The plan, built over the course of 18 months, and with extensive input and feedback from the community provides a roadmap for our community to address climate change at the local level.

Climate Action Plan 

We created the plan by:

  • Identifying steps that can realistically be taken locally to reduce climate pollution while moving toward a local economy that is sustainable in the long term.

  • Addressing the three biggest sources of Addison County’s GHG emissions: agriculture, transportation, and buildings (heating/cooling/lighting).

  • Identifying existing and future business and “green jobs” opportunities.

  • Defining roles that individuals, businesses, organizations, and institutions can play.

  • Guiding and coordinating the actions of community sectors including education, agriculture, business, industry, local and state government, nonprofits, and major institutions such as Middlebury College and Porter Hospital.

February 2021: During the early stages of climate action planning, we hosted a Climate Roundtable that featured 15 local organizations focusing on climate change in Addison County.

CAP Executive Summary