CEAC Board of Directors

CEAC is led by a board of directors that works closely with Addison County towns, local businesses, and community and environmental groups. CEAC focuses on strengthening economic, environmental and social resilience to achieve deep reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and support a thriving ecosystem of people, businesses and institutions.

Steve Maier, Chair, is a former member of the Vermont House of Representatives who previously headed the Addison County Solid Waste District and currently serves on the Middlebury Energy Committee.
Richard Hopkins is a retired epidemiologist and current climate data expert.
Diane Munroe works at Middlebury College as the Assistant Director for Community-Based Learning as part of the Environmental Studies Program and Center for Community Engagement.
Spence Putnam is the former vice president of Vermont Teddy Bear and a past executive director of Vermont Businesses for Social Responsibility.
Mike Roy is Dean of the Library at Middlebury College and a member of the Town of Middlebury Energy Committee.
Jean Terwilliger is a Vermont architect who specializes in the design of sustainable homes, additions and renovations using collaborative design methods and cost effective green building technologies.

Past Board Members
Greg Dennis, founding board member
Andrea Murray, founding board member
Amy Sheldon, founding board member
Julia Ulsh